Wednesday, 31 December 2014

About CPD

“CONTRIBUTOR PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM”- A subject which is not a waste of time and effort, but a subject which teaches the values and ethics of leading the life. Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a cleverer devil. Real education is that which enables one to stand on one’s own legs. The education that one receives in schools and colleges only makes him a race of dyspeptics. It makes a person work like machines merely, and living like a jelly-fish existence. We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased and the intellect is expanded. It should teach the approach -“Stand up, be bold and take the blame on your shoulders if you are the culprit.” Within man is all knowledge, and it requires only an awakening and that is the work of education. Hence the education should include subjects that can enable this awakening.

Personality Development is the development of the organized pattern of behavior, attitude, emotional responses and social roles that makes a person distinct. It is the most sought for quality in a person. To enhance this quality, Contributor Personality Development Program has been introduced. It takes up the values that Swami Vivekananda used in his life. Swami Vivekananda was extremely result-oriented. He expected that individuals do not merely work, but work in order to achieve results and create values for themselves and society. He therefore insisted on –“Fill the brain with right thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work”. Swami Vivekananda wanted each of us to plunge whole heartedly into the task at hand. It is only through such single-minded devotion that excellence can be achieved. “Take up one idea, make that one idea your life, think of it, dream of it and live on it”. You cannot hope to make a man a surgeon by simply giving him a few books. A person should have complete dedication towards what he does and that’s what Swami Vivekananda emphasized on.

No one can go back and change a bad beginning, but anyone can start now and create a successful ending. This is the heart of Contributor Personality Development Program. It teaches a person to accept the pain and prepares him to achieve success. It enables a person to recognize each aspect of life. It is often said – “‘Changing the Face’ can change nothing, but ‘Facing the Change’ can change everything”. This is a subject that helps you realize your capabilities and your strengths, thus making you a stronger, a happier, and a contented person which is the real wealth a person can gain in his life.

Examination Scheme (Marks Distribution):-

The Examination Scheme of Contributor Personality Development Program is branched in three parts:-

External Examination:-70 Marks

Mid-Semester Examination:-30 Marks

Internal Examination:-50 Marks

A number of activities are carried out as a part of the courseware of the subject. These include the following:-

Ø  PowerPoint Presentations (On various instances of Contributors)

Ø  Poster and Blog Presentations

Ø  Devising for Personal Interviews, Group Discussions etc.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Contributor vision


Contributor’s identity


The Scope of Contribution

Embarking on the Journey to Contributorship

Design Solutions

Focus on Value

Engage Deeply

Advertisement as Scope of Contribution

Men Social Activist

Women Social Activist

Contributor Personality Development

Popular Indian Literature Figures

Motivational Hindi Movies